How I went from being deeply ashamed about my masculinity & sexuality to becoming a
“I’m worried about what others think of me.”
I feel hesitant to express my opinions or ideas.
I’m tired of other people being put ahead of me constantly.
I have difficulty making decisions due to fear of judgment from others.
I feel embarrassed over minor mistakes or perceived flaws.
I’m anxious, and self-conscious about showing the "feminine" or "weak” parts of myself.
“I feel very alone or misunderstood.”
I feel like nobody truly understands me and I struggle to connect with others on a deeper level.
I feel isolated even when I'm in the presence of others.
I have a hard time expressing my emotions or thoughts to others.
I often feel like an outsider or like I don't belong.
I feel like I am not appreciated or valued by others, I feel like I am taken advantage of all the time.
“I need to _____ to be a REAL MAN.”
I believe I have to act a certain way to be considered masculine.
I feel like I need to have $x in my bank account, or achievements in order to be considered a man.
I struggle to conform to society's expectations of what a man should be.
I believe I have to be physically ripped and strong to be a real man.
I feel like I can't show my emotions or vulnerabilities else I am “weak”.
“I need to prove my manhood.”
I feel like I have to engage in certain sexual behaviors to be seen as masculine.
I think that being attracted to men is not consistent with being a man.
I believe that men should always be sexually dominant or take the lead in sexual situations.
I feel like expressing any kind of vulnerability or insecurity about my sexuality would be seen as unmanly or weak.
I believe that men who don't conform to traditional masculine norms in terms of sexuality are seen as less than fully masculine.
“There’s something wrong with me, I am broken.”
If this sounds like you, I want you to know that you are not alone.
I’ve journeyed with many, many brothers who have these insecurities today, & I know that it is possible for us to be freed from shame because we deserve to belong.
This session is for you if you feel like you’re…
Not “real enough”
You wear a mask and feel like you’re living for others’ expectations. You crave greater self-acceptance and self-love.
Not “Man enough”;
You often compare yourself to other men regarding looks, status, and success - it feels like you’re never good enough.
Not “Straight enough”;
You worry about how others might react if they knew about your sexuality and fear being rejected, or treated differently because of it.
Here Are Some Real Life Case Studies To Show You That It Works!
How we helped Jeremiah transform from being a “shy, timid guy”, to a confident entrepreneur, a better brother & a bad-ass ice hockey player!
Through personal growth and self-acceptance, Jeremiah gained confidence in his appearance, allowing him to overcome shyness, even venturing into the rough world of ice hockey!
When Jeremiah was growing up, he was shy and insecure about his weight and lacked self-esteem and confidence.
Jeremiah developed the self-belief and confidence to try new things. He has even embarked on a risky career that requires the utmost courage - becoming an entrepreneur!
Jeremiah was afraid to try new things and lacked confidence in his abilities, doubting his capacity to succeed.
Jeremiah asked his younger brother out on a shopping trip to “help Jeremiah pick a nice pair of basketball shoes for playing” - and surprised his younger brother by buying the shoe for him instead! Today, he has a healthier and more harmonious relationship with his brother.
Jeremiah had an unhealthy relationship with his brother, characterised by a lack of communication, pride, and fear of rejection.
How we helped Aaron from being stuck with his career to finding his calling.
Aaron felt frustrated and stuck in his career, unable to make a decision to commit to the training or financial industry, causing anxiety and preventing progress.
Through coaching, Aaron discovered the choice was easy after all - He is now a leading coach and trainer where he thrives and utilizes his strengths, experiencing fulfillment and engagement at work.
Coaching provided Aaron with effective strategies for achieving work-life balance, enabling him to prioritize self-care and reduce stress to become more balanced.
Aaron struggled to balance work and personal life, feeling overwhelmed and drained.

I’m sharing these with you because...
I know how that feels.
I too was trapped for a long, long time.
I was trapped in the narrative of society. about who a “real man” is.
That a “real man” is one who gets all the girls, drives nice cars, and has a huge paycheck.
That a “real man“ is jacked, and can deadlift a car or something lol.
That a “real man” doesn’t show his emotion or vulnerabilities.
That a “real man” is tough, dominant, commanding…
I.e The definition of the Alpha male.
I always felt different from most of the “boys” and men around me growing up.
I was never into football clubs (still not sure what offside means),
I was always more sensitive than I am stoic (a person who is indifferent to pleasure, joy, as well as sorrow or pain)
More emotional than logical,
And yes, kept my sexual attraction to other men my deepest secret from friends and family.
While my life on the outside seemed pretty “okay” and “happy” to others -
Deep down I never felt good enough as a man, in other words, “man enough”.
I felt ashamed of how I was “less than”, and different from my idea of a “real man”.
I was extremely hard on myself.
I compensated for it in different ways, growing out a beard (if you got it, flaunt it?), chasing validation with my career…
I wore masks and pretended to be someone else because I wasn’t “man enough” to be… me.
All that started to change when death knocked on my door twice.
The first was when I was presented with a death certificate after an accident in Cambodia in 2014.
The second was in 2016 when a really close brother of mine took his own life.
What broke my heart was learning he kept his sexuality a secret from everyone, he probably thought he had to wear a mask in order to be accepted and loved.
It was then I began to shift my perspective of what truly matters at the end of the day.
I was given a second chance to rewrite the script, so that when I do leave this world,
I will be remembered as someone gentle, kind, brave, and true.
That I helped to build a world where all men will be celebrated, respected, and loved not as who we “should be”, but where we can belong as our true selves.
Today I can say I have come a long, long way from my mask-wearing, shame-carrying days.
I am much kinder to myself, I can catch myself when I’m beating myself up when I make mistakes.
I’ve learned to not only accept but celebrate the parts of me that I’ve shamed like my sensitivity, and my gentleness as my greatest strength, not weakness.
I am at peace with my sexuality and my faith.
I can be my own person and still belong.
If you want to experience this freedom and know how I did it… come join me in my upcoming sharing session.
It’s free!
Join me in my FREE Sharing WEBINAR :
How I went from being deeply ashamed about my masculinity & sexuality to become a Real Man.
In this webinar, I’ll cover 4 Steps to becoming a real man:
Step 1: Identify the source of your limiting beliefs about masculinity.
Step 2: Question and break down what has been holding you back
Step 3: Take the mask down and meet your true self
Step 4 - Step into your new life, aligned with your authentic values, purpose, and calling.
… and ONE special bonus!
Register your slot now!
If you were to take your last breath now...
Did you live a life well-lived?
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